Daily Rhema De​votional

Daily Rhem​a De​votional


Hello everyone, my name is William, a navy at Burma camp. It was on Saturday 12th September, 2020 when a lady Daily Rhema evangelist approached me with a copy of Daily Rhema and introduced their school outreach program to me. She challenged my faith to sponsor some copies for the school children. I initially thought of sponsoring 10 copies but she inspired me to sow more than 100 copies and I decided to sponsor for 50 copies. 

She showed me a testimony concerning an addiction of masturbation, pornography, lusts, etc and asked me if I had any of such issues in my life. I opened up to her about my addiction to pornography and masturbation and how things were not going on with me as I expect. She ministered to me on the need to win souls and the essence of giving to the gospel. She further informed me of the opportunity available to show the love of God to others and to connect to the anointing upon the Daily Rhema for my total deliverance and breakthrough through my sponsorship for the gospel. I was touched, so I sponsored extra 100 copies making 150 copies. I was so excited and proud in my spirit to get an opportunity for God to use my money to save others. She introduced me to one of her leaders to pray for me. The leader was so excited by my faith and my compassion of sponsoring 150 copies for the children. 

He further challenged my faith if I could do more for Christ by emptying my account for Christ? I boldly reply yes, and he was overwhelmed about my passion about soul winning, my heart of giving and my obedience to spiritual instructions, because I have earlier told him, my mum has asked me to send her some huge amount of money for her business and I had planned to send the money to her on that same day they met me, but I will choose to give the money to God rather than sending it to my mother, because the Bible says in Matthew 10:37 that anyone that loves his mother or father more than me is not worthy of me and Matthew 6:33 also says we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto us. So, I emptied my account using my banking app and I was even left with negative balance in my account. The Daily Rhema evangelist blessed me and prayed for total deliverance, divine prosperity and protection for me and my family from any car accident especially as the year is about to end. He gave me one anointed T-shirt and stickers of Daily Rhema to paste in my room. 

The following day, Sunday was my birthday, and just on the next day; Monday, God miraculously saved my uncle from a very serious, fatal accident on the Kumasi-Accra road on his way to Accra to see us. He called me and informed me about the accident and that he was so surprised and thankful to God to be still alive after that fatal accident that claimed two lives and not even a scratch on his body, looking at the severity of the accident. I thank God so much for saving my uncle and I strongly believe that it's because of my seed to sponsor the gospel for God's protection for my family and for myself that spoke for my uncle's life on that day. 

Also, the Lord has totally delivered me from my long time addiction of pornography and masturbation too.

I thank God so much for this great protection and deliverance for me and my uncle, and I encourage everyone not to be afraid to sponsor big for the outreach.
Give out something big today that will cause a great breakthrough in your spirit. Even if you have to empty your account for Christ, just do it and I tell you, your seed shall speak for you and your family at the emergency hour of your lives when you least expected to get help. So, be obedient and support this outreach today!!! Don't postpone your seed time to tomorrow or another time because you might not know what might happen tomorrow. Today is your seed day for a mighty breakthrough for your tomorrow!