Daily Rhema De​votional

Daily Rhem​a De​votional


Hello everyone, I’m Michael from Kasoa and on my way to Melcom on 21st November, 2020, I met a Daily Rhema evangelist who informed me about their outreach program. I sponsored 3 copies. Though I was in a hurry because I was going to meet up with a friend at the Melcom and I had already delayed, the evangelist insisted that I have to sponsor more copies before I leave. By the grace of God I was challenged to sponsor copies of the book that will cost my spirit, soul and body for Christ. It wasn’t easy for me initially because I had not planned to give out anything on that day, but because of my love for soul winning, I decided to sponsor 100 copies for the school outreach. The evangelist challenged me that, the Lord wants me to sponsor more copies to receive a special anointed gift from the Woman of God. The evangelist asked me what I needed from God and I said, I needed a breakthrough in my life especially in my spiritual life and a promotion at my workplace. The evangelist told me that the Holy Spirit wants me to sponsor 1,000 copies and above. I was still insisting on adding the extra copies when I get home but she told me obedience is better than sacrifice. She inspired me with a lot of wonderful scriptures and some great testimonies from other great partners.

 Eventually, I obeyed and added up 900 copies to make up to 1000 copies. I suddenly felt a release of joy in my spirit. I was so happy that I have passed my test of faith from God to also promote His gospel on that day. The evangelist introduced me to a leader and told him about what I have done for the outreach. He was glad about my commitment and He prayed for me. He told me about the benefits of sowing more into the Kingdom of God to win souls for Christ. This challenged me to sponsor an extra 800 copies totalling 1,800 copies  He gave me one of the Daily Rhema Anointed Water, t-shirt, stickers, a copy of Daily Rhema and directed me on how to pray and use them. To God be the glory, I have received what I desired most from the Lord; my spiritual growth. I was on a journey of working on my spiritual life to the next level when I met the Daily Rhema team. I believe I had to meet them on that day to elevate me to greater heights in my whole life. 

Also, on the 31st December 2020, I had unknowingly contracted covid 19 due to the increasing surge of the corona virus infection that year. I had severe symptoms of headache, feverishness and frequent coughs. My laboratory test results after visiting the hospital proved positive. Coincidentally, I had received the Daily Rhema anointed water around that time so I prayed with it and to the glory of God I was miraculously healed. I went to the hospital on the 21st January 2021 to prove it and the results came negative. Hallelujah! The Lord delivered me from this deadly disease which had claimed many lives. This testimony did not end there. 

Shortly after, I was selected at my workplace to be among the seven best employees to go to the US for a training seminar for my next level of work. My promotion had come. That was my main prayer request before my sponsorship. It has only been good since I sponsored the school outreach programme. So, I want to urge anyone reading my testimony to also be bold to sow big into the Daily Rhema School Outreach Program to spread the gospel and receive the anointing water too. God is too faithful and He works in many miraculous ways. He will do for you what He has done for me. God bless you.