Daily Rhema De​votional

Daily Rhem​a De​votional


My name is Ernest. It was on Tuesday, 24th December 2019 when I met two Daily Rhema Evangelists at Accra Central. They introduced me to the Daily Rhema School Outreach Program and inspired me to sponsor some copies for the school outreach. Initially, I wanted to buy only one with my last money on me but one of the evangelists told me I could do more for Christ. He asked me what I wanted from God. I told him, I needed a scholarship, and a help in my sports field, divine protection for my family and a travelling mercy. 

He challenged my faith to sponsor extra copies and that, there is a target God wants me to meet which is more than my highest giving to God. He gave me his phone to listen to an audio testimony of a certain gentleman from Christ Embassy who trusted God to even use his mother's money  to sponsor 500 copies of the book. I was so joyful and inspired by his courage and strong love for Christ. So I emptied my momo account totalling 500 copies. I was so glad in my spirit to have an opportunity to save souls through my money. It wasn't easy for me at all to do this but because I strongly believed that they were genuine and were of God, and my obedience and respect for spiritual principles like giving. 

Also, I saw it as a test from God to prove my love, faith and obedience to him. The Daily Rhema evangelist gave me one of the Daily Rhema devotional guide, one anointed t-shirt of Daily Rhema and three Daily Rhema anointed stickers. He prayed for me that, my seed will stir up God's blessings and fire to protect me and my family from any plan of the enemy. 

To the glory of God, on Friday, 27th December 2019, three days later after meeting him, my sister was saved from a very fatal car accident of which the doctors and nurses at the hospital were all surprised to see her recover quickly, because she wasn't even responding to treatment when she was brought into the hospital after the accident. And per what I heard about the place where she had the accident, it was a great miracle forher to be alive because no one has ever survived from the yearly accidents that occurred at that particular junction, because it is said that, the fishermen there yearly set spiritual nets to claim human blood for their gods for a bumper catch the following year. 

I strongly believe it was because of my obedient giving to support the gospel through the Daily Rhema School outreach just before she travelled that attracted God's mercies and protection for my sister. I strongly believe more miracles and blessings are even yet to happen. So my beloved, I encourage you to also give to the course of Daily Rhema School Outreach Program. I know that sometimes it's not easy at all to give but remember that, it's a seed for your tomorrow's breakthrough. Remember that it's always a blessing to give than to receive. So, I encourage everyone to give to Christ today. Shalom.